We are two creative generalists making in-depth tutorial-style videos surrounding prop replicas from our favorite movies, tv shows, and video games. Our goal is to create easy-to-follow and easy-to-replicate projects. This includes detailed process videos, as well as complete supply lists as well as a few of our own custom designed .STL files for 3D printing. Our projects are perfect for 3D printing enthusiasts - and rarely require exotic materials or tools.

Hi I’m David.

I am the build “expert” behind most of our projects. Whether it was crude replicas of swords made out of 2x4s as a kid or trying to 3D model a perfect Smash Bros capsule replica, I have always been drawn towards making!

And I’m James.

I am the lead videographer and editor behind every episode of MAKE/DO. From the very beginning, I wanted our videos to be just as stunning as our props. I take pride in making sure videos are both informative and entertaining.